What if I am listing boxes or storage units, not rooms?

We recommend using the Rooms feature to express box numbers, storage unit back, storage unit front etc. And we do NOT recommend using categories for that purpose. We recommend box numbers with zeros on the left, such as “Box 001”, in order for these to sort correctly in reports.

Do I need a photo associated with each asset?

Taking a photo of each asset can make listing assets faster and easier, but it is not even necessary to have any photos if your divisees don’t need them to know what is described by the item name. Often the photos are more so the lister can be sure they list all assets in a […]

Can things other than household items, art, etc., be divided?

Definitely! Be creative. Anything that can be quantified and needs to be fairly allocated works. For example, “vacation week dates” at a family beach house can be entered as items. Vacation dates and holidays in a divorced family can be listed, etc. If cash, consider putting it into smaller blocks so they could be chosen […]

Do we store inventory data forever?

No.  At five years, or if after two years the account hasn’t been access for over a year, we reserve the right to send an email requesting confirmation if the account should remain open.  If there is no reply, another email will go out to the Administrator notify pending deletion before purging the data.