Dividing Estates Among Blended and Half-Sibling Families

Dividing Blended Family Estates

A challenge in so many families today after a parent or parents die, is having a solution for fairness when dividing blended family estates and half-sibling estates or combinations of the two.  For some families, all of the children may feel equally a part of the same core family and are, and have been treated […]

Helping Funeral Homes | Fairsplit.com Seeks to Help Funeral Homes and Scattered Families

Helping Funeral Homes

David MacMahan, founder and CEO of FairSplit.com, has created an interesting solution for helping funeral homes in turn, help scattered families coping with the death of a loved one divide assets among themselves. Now, he wants funeral homes to start telling families about it. MacMahan, a serial entrepreneur, has a habit of disrupting industries. He […]