Helping Funeral Homes | Seeks to Help Funeral Homes and Scattered Families

Helping Funeral Homes | Seeks to Help Funeral Homes and Scattered Families

Helping Funeral Homes

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Helping Funeral HomesDavid MacMahan, founder and CEO of, has created an interesting solution for helping funeral homes in turn, help scattered families coping with the death of a loved one divide assets among themselves. Now, he wants funeral homes to start telling families about it.

MacMahan, a serial entrepreneur, has a habit of disrupting
industries. He created, which has been used since 2000 by top online retailers, to bridge the gap between an order and delivery for time-sensitive event giving.

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Note: Article used with permission of “Funeral Service Insider”

Some of the Highlights from the Article

When asked about his previously founded companies that sold various stained-glass products, gifts and toys he responded:

“It may sound hokie, but I have a strong motivation now to develop things that bring more peace and harmony to people’s lives and help personal and familial bonds grow stronger,” he says. “I joke that I am partially making amends for filling landfills with millions of my silly inventions in the ’80s and ’90s made of plastic and lots of Styrofoam packaging. They were fun as gifts for people, but creating a positive change in how families deal with the most painful times in their lives would be a legacy I would feel great about”

David describes his motivation for starting

The memory of the challenges dividing my father’s things helped me really understand that there are challenges to dividing emotionally valued items, and those often far outweigh the challenges of things that have some higher dollar value. And though my own divorce was mostly peaceful, there was still a need to create two homes from the contents of one, and have things be familiar for the kids. That made it hard, and walking through a home dividing things from a marriage that didn’t work is just sad and puts a couple in an emotionally raw place that there is just no reason to go to if not needed.

Checkout the Full Article: “ Helping Funeral Homes”

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