Boomers and Seniors Ride the Technology Tsunami

Boomers and Seniors Ride the Technology Tsunami

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COVID-19 Causes Separation – Technology Delivers Services and Connection

Camarillo, CA – June 11, 2020 – David MacMahan, like all of us has seen the COVID-19 pandemic tragedies of families forced to peer through windows to communicate with ill and aging family members. Or even worse, they’ve not been together during last precious hours. An unfortunate and ill-fated outcome for some, their estate details are not always settled and the family is left to deal with it.

Like most, David, the founder of, has never seen situations like these before, but, he is aware of family anxiety from his work with their online program to reduce conflict, at least over things in an estate—when there’s a death, divorce or downsizing.

A few months ago, COVID-19 was an unknown threat. Today, it’s a social and economic contagion that has changed our way of life—at least for now, so people are thinking about organizing their lives and spending time on whom and what they value.

Most agree the “technology tsunami” forced upon us, enables more daily services to function to get the necessities of life done! New uses of technology are being hesitantly, but appreciatively welcomed by people of every age.

It may come as a surprise, but even older folks are bravely facing the unknowns—and doing life on the Internet. Organizing their personal property with David’s program is no exception. With free time, it’s been a great time to do it. They can spell out what’s to eventually be done with their possessions.

To quote the (World Economic) “Young people may roll their eyes at older people who can’t use technology as fast as they do, but it’s wrong to say that older Americans can’t use technology.”

Technology has certainly proven itself lately! It’s a powerful means of connecting to all people, places and things. All ages are doing online business and social times—doing everything from work meetings, to medical appointments— family game nights, and most everything else.

This current technical tsunami is a lifeline. And with social distancing remaining uncertain—it will continue to promote invention and change. Boomers, and elder seniors, are now willing to “log in”—albeit with some frustrated kicking and screaming.

A hunger for connection, access to health care, the magnetic appeal of grandkids’ interactions, and a safe doorway to make purchases, overrides their resistance. And last but not least, there’s the fun—the age-old drive to play bridge, bingo and games. These have coerced the older generations to use Apple’s Facetime, Facebook Video Messenger and Zoom.

Terms that might have once held no meaning, are now essential knowledge: click, refresh, sync and download—and their login and password info is their best kept secret. David, in his work with typically works with these age groups, so he’s seen the surge in business as older people are feeling more comfortable online. He shared that other online companies have indicated they also have seen a big increase in older users. is one more example of online solutions being adopted by older people. Used to list, share and divide personal property of any size estate, the average users are over sixty preparing. Then there are also the children and heirs of parents in their eighties and nineties whose estates must be settled in an unsettling time.

Also utilized by lawyers and trustees, David’s online estate services have received growing acceptance. David said about his business, “During this threat of COVID-19, meeting at Mom’s house and drawing straws and choosing items just isn’t an option. FairSplit provides transparency and an efficient, neutral process that doesn’t require travel or close proximity to figure out who gets what.”

As an inventor, David knows a good invention solves a problem or makes life much easier. “Painful times in my own life motivated me to develop FairSplit—like when my father died, we had difficulty dividing the personal property from a distance; and later, my own divorce, and dividing the household contents. These life events came with logistical challenges, as well as the emotional interactions that dividing personal items and property can cause.”
Fairsplit’s online personal property inventory and estate settlement technology are one-of-a-kind—David also offers conflict resolution, mediation, listing, valuing and administrative services in the division of personal property.

Yes, the older generations are no longer ignoring it. The blinking cursor on the screen has become the means to tune into life.