Our Solutions

Our Solutions

FairSplit offers online solutions that are totally free to use, that will make any home or asset inventory you need to share with others, more efficient and fully transparent.  By making a private family account in FairSplit, photos and files can be uploaded, assets named, categorized, sorted alphabetically, by value, searched, and reports created and printed.  One account, with invited users allowed to see and do only what you want them to, by having different permissions for invited users.

Designate what gets sold, what ships where, etc.  If your family needs a blind, fair process to figuring out “who gets what?”, FairSplit’s patented division process works wonders.  No need for heirs taking off work, traveling, getting big packets of information, or in person negotiations.  No need for divorcing couples to have to be sitting across from one another or with a negotiator in between to see what is important to each and to fairly divide.

Estate Division

Who gets what and what can be sold or donated?

FairSplit provides a process of rounds, beginning with Asset Review where heirs indicate any items they have interest in.  If all heirs have indicated no interest, those can be moved to sell or donate.  If one is interested it moves forward to the Emotional Value round, which is a single round for all assets of interest, whereby the heirs get a fixed number of points they can bid all on one item, or up to a maximum of 5-10. (good to use for three or more heirs) We often refer to this as “dad’s ukulele” round.  It determines who gets the things most dear to them, regardless of value or luck of the draw.   Selection Order rounds are used to divide most assets.  It works like a fantasy sports draft, with each heir putting the assets of interest ranked top to bottom.  When the lists have been completed, a selection order is created (123, 321, 123, or other if preferred) the software awards the top item on the list on each pass back and forth until all are awarded.   Totals by heir are tracked, reports can be created showing what goes to each heir, what is to be sold, donated, etc.

Downsizing Division

What goes with? What goes to whom, and what can be sold or donated?

Moving from the big house to a smaller apartment means only a small amount is going to be moved with the parents.  Creating the full list, then indicating what is being moved, then even using FairSplit as a packing tool indicating which new room it goes to, what is in which boxes, etc. is all helpful.  However, that still leaves the bulk of the house filled with things to be divided, sold or donated, so the full process described above in Estate Division is also available for you and your family.  Preserve Legacy Stories by having the elderly person moving, describe why something is important to him or her and upload the video to that item for all of the family to have access.  One minute is recommended, but you’ll be glad you have those memories preserved, and their image and voice talking about it.

Divorce Division

What goes with whom? Who pays which bills?

This can turn into one of the most combative areas and painful areas to deal with.  First of all, decisions can’t get made until everything is listed.  We make that totally easy to do, and FREE.  It rarely helps to be in front of one another for a divorcing couple; it is just more painful and often more volatile.  You and your soon to be ex-spouse, and even your attorneys can login into the neutral FairSplit account to see, make changes, etc. and use this as your communications platform.

Our division processes upgrade details are described above. They create a blind, impartial system to determine who gets what.  It can be used to allocate bills, furnishings, holiday custody…. Really anything that can be quantified and listed.  This removes the “if he sees I want it, he will take it” aspect and simply provides as system fair to both parties.

Additional Services

Listing, Valuing, Mediating / Adminstrator

Independent Third-Party Administrator – Our founder, and FairSplit creator will serve as your family’s Independent Third-Party Administrator to coordinate, set-up and run division rounds to avoid any perceived or actual conflict of interest or advantage and for the experienced input. Cost varies by Plan Needed – Can be added to a Division order during check-out or from the Participants area.

List Assets from Photos –Help set up FairSplit Property and Rooms account, and help with a plan to photograph the assets, then create the asset list from those photos, putting in highly descriptive names and descriptions, categorizing and linking to recently sold similar items on eBay (starting in late July submitting through AI and editing to clean up issues) . Not names like, table, or lamp; more like: rectangular walnut, wooden coffee table with glass insert. $100 per hour, (Contact FairSplit by phone or Support email to order)

Independent market values from photos – These are not appraisal level estimates, but are from experienced estimators eyeballing from their experience in estate sales, or usually looking up similar items in the “sold” histories at eBay, Craigslist, EBTH and other places with references included. We can do as you instruct, from all items, to those we think are likely above $50 or any level you choose. $125 per hour and usually averages around $2.00 per item. (Contact FairSplit by phone or Support email to order)

Mediation and Consulting – Our founder started FairSplit to reduce and avoid conflict in families dividing estates. To that end, David can be hired to help navigate the process, deal with contentious siblings or personality conflicts between heirs, etc.  He is experienced doing this now with many families over the past ten years and has been asked to help so often, he does so at $250 per hour when authorized and requested to do so. (Contact FairSplit by phone or Support email to arrange)

Photograph assets  – Local Help can come to your house to assist with photography, packing, shipping etc. See Local Help and Resources