Online Inventory (no division)

How To Buy The Right Plan For You

If you are attempting to upgrade from a free inventory account, DO NOT PURCHASE HERE! If you already have an account please log into your account and upgrade there

Please Be aware that you can only buy one plan per account. Buying mulitiple plans, or creating multiple orders will result in multiple accounts being created. If you need to change your plan details please contact us for help

Online Inventory (no division)


Use the FairSplit site and tools to list, organize and value your estate and personal property

  • Can be used to list and discuss assets, and the Administrator may assign items and use creatively to divide by phone or group meeting
  • Includes all rapid listing tools
  • Single Property (Ex. Main House…)
  • Up to 1000 itemized assets
  • Up to 1 GB Space
  • Unlimited Monetary Value
  • Categories, room tracking and value fields
  • Good for  itemizing, and assigning collaboratively online
  • Email support only
  • Subscription good 5 years.  Double emailed notification before any deletion. Reports can be saved or subscription renewed for minimal fee to cover costs of continued storage. Not more than $20 for 5 more years.