Asset Listing and Dividing Tools for Divorce Attorneys

Tools for Divorce Attorneys

Divorce attorneys may introduce this new service that reduces face to face conflict and time spent figuring out “who gets what? . “Divide Things, Not Families”.
Often in the course of mediating or conducting a divorce, the truly important issues of custody, visitation, support, etc. can be muddied and derailed over conflict around the household items division. FairSplit provides tools and systems to simplify this process with impartial fairness:

We also understand that anxiety and resentment over the large “unseen” assets like retirement funds, money markets, home equity, debt, etc. can sometimes surface and may have emotional charge transferred to those when dividing simple household items. FairSplit provides a new tool to quell many of the emotional challenges.

The parties are being asked to do something having no experience in how to approach it. On top of that, it is at the most emotionally challenging time of their life. It can truly be more than a person is ready to bear. FairSplit is designed to remove key fears in the process, by providing an intuitive and fair way to create the asset list and more importantly, blind, fair ways of collaboratively dividing. was created to help those needing to divide and introduces the first ever combination of honoring both the Emotional and Monetary issues for all.

Particularly if you are assisting, and have experience with FairSplit, even issues like holiday visitation, weekend custody, shared time of a vacation home, etc. can all be listed as “assets” to be allocated with an even hand. FairSplit serves most effectively when used as a tool a service professional uses to assist their clients. We provide training, and it can be white labeled or co-branded if desired.

Need only a speedier way for your clients to list their total household contents and estimated values? Use our free excel spreadsheet templates in Help Docs. If your clients would prefer to spend only a few minutes taking the photos room by room, they can upload to FairSplit for us to create the list for them, which can then be edited online and printed with little effort on their part. Additional fees apply.

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Contact us for more information and to learn how Divorce Attorneys can utilize our tools

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