Estate division and settlement tools for Mediation

Practical Free and Paid online tools for Mediators to help ease the family discord in estate or divorce divisions

A Tool for Mediation

Often mediators are unaware of new tools which help clients address challenging issues and significant events in such a way that anxiety is diminished and productive outcomes are enhanced. The FREE Shareable Home Inventory provides a way for inclusion and transparency; both of which are needed for parties to feel safe and fairly treated. FairSplit also offers a comprehensive on-line range of tools for a constructive and fair division of assets that incorporate Emotional Value (EV) into the division process. These tools can be used in situations such as divorce and the division of an estate due to death or downsizing. The tools FairSplit  has developed also open up the possibility of an important new service mental health practitioners can provide their clients.

Key aspects addressed are:

If you serve as an Administrator for the family and/or are advising the family or a member of the family, you may want to learn more about how FairSplit works. With that background, issues such as holiday visitation, weekend custody, and shared time of a vacation home can all be listed as “assets” to be allocated with an even hand. FairSplit serves most effectively when used as a tool service professionals employ to assist their clients. We provide training, and it can be white labeled or co-branded if desired.

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